This too shall pass

"Things done well and with care exempt themselves from fear"

- William Shakespeare

Let's Fight Together

✔️ Let's Stay Inside
✔️ Let's Maintain Social Distancing
✔️ Let's Wear Masks
✔️ Let's Be Kind to Each Other
✔️ Let's Be Positive
✔️ Let's Support Authorities and Frontline Workers
✔️ And just like that, this too shall pass

What are we doing to fight this pandemic

  • We are allowing our engineers to work from home as long as needed.
  • We are opening up monthly subscriptions for Cloud Pathology users without any restrictions.
  • Changing our SaaS products to be more aligned to social distancing

Connection Loops Covid-19

Suggestions ?

We would love to hear them. Please reach out to us via email